Category: Colorado
Ideas for hiking, biking, road trips & more in the beautiful state of Colorado, no matter what season you visit – including adventures in State Parks & Rocky Mountain National Park.

Sunday Snuggles at Broken Shovels Farm
About fifteen minutes North of Denver, there is a wonderful place called Broken Shovels Farm where animals are safe, happy, and always up for a good snuggle! The farm started as a slaughter-free goat dairy, and has transitioned into a full-blown farm rescue... Read more
Fun Boulder Fall Bike Ride: Coal Creek Trail & Rock Creek Loop
When we awoke to a beautiful, warm fall day we knew we had to get out and enjoy it or we would be kicking ourselves for wasting it inside. After a quick search for nearby trails, we decided to take a nice fall bike ride on the Coal Creek Trail & Rock Creek... Read more
Easy Winter Hike: Bierstadt Lake, Rocky Mountain National Park
With the first real snow of the season making an appearance in the Denver area this week, I’ve been reminiscing on past snowventures and getting excited about our plans for this season! My favorite winter hike so far was definitely the Bierstadt Lake Hike in Rocky... Read more
5 Tips for Your First Hot Air Balloon Ride
Are you thinking about taking your first hot air balloon ride? As a surprise for his 30th birthday, I took Buddy on a hot air balloon experience for the first time and it was amazing. We got there at the crack of dawn excited for a new adventure, and somewhat unsure... Read more
5 First-Time Colorado 14er Fails – Hiking Mt. Bierstadt
In 2014, I climbed my very first 14er, by hiking Mt. Bierstadt, one of the easiest 14ers. For you non-Coloradans, that's a mountain peak with a summit above 14,000 feet! As I reminisce on that awesome, challenging and emotional experience, I can't help but laugh at... Read more
A Picture Perfect Day in Denver Botanic Gardens
Nestled in the heart of downtown Denver is an urban oasis filled with bright colors, fragrant smells and peaceful benches – the Denver Botanic Gardens. And with thousands of possible beautiful subjects to inspire your creativity, a self-guided Denver... Read more
An Unsuccessful, but AWESOME Hike to Sky Pond in Colorado
With the summer's snow-melt, we kept hearing Alberta Falls in Rocky Mountain National Park was the place to see. And, even though we hadn't been hiking in a while, I decided we should just go ahead and push ourselves a little further and do the 8-mile round-trip hike... Read more
3 Easy Hikes in Rocky Mountain National Park
When you drive into beautiful Rocky Mountain National Park it can be a bit overwhelming, especially for first-timers. With scenic vistas at every turn and wildlife galore, there are so many amazing options! Where should you begin? These easy hikes in Rocky Mountain... Read more