As we walked down (and up, and down, and back up) the trail that led to the base of Gros Morne Mountain in Newfoundland, I was starting to regret our decision of hiking Gros Morne Mountain. When we got up at 5:30 a.m., we knew this would be the longest, and probably most difficult hike we had ever done.
Yet, Gros Morne (“Big Lone”) Mountain had beckoned us from the very first moment our eyes fell upon it. And you know what they say about mountains calling…
A Rocky Beginning to Hiking Gros Morne Mountain
Waking up with our alarms was our first feat. We are far from morning people, and being up well before we had gotten our eight hours felt like torture, not only that, we had to unhook the RV and drive from the campground to the Gros Morne Mountain trailhead.
Once we got to the trail, I stumbled along, too tired and anxious to be in a good mood. And after our first steep incline up wooden stairs, I realized they probably weren't over-exaggerating when they described this hike as “grueling.” Especially because this was supposed to be the easy part.

The mumbling complaints and cursing under my breath started in full force when I saw that first ascent. I had basically convinced myself that we would turn around at the overlook before we were out of ear-shot of the RV.
Then I decided to change my thoughts – something I have to do often, since I have a tendency toward pessimism. I WOULD climb this mountain. The weather was perfect and we may never get the chance of hiking Gros Morne Mountain again. This was happening!

Despite what I had been told about the brutal walk down, I rationalized that I only needed to make it up the mountain and I'd be fine. The “easy” up and down trail to the base made up about half of the entire hike. And the steep climb up was only about a kilometer. Up is always the biggest struggle for me. “If I can just get passed that part, the worst will be over.” Famous. Last. Words.
The Turn-Back Point at Gros Morne Mountain
The 4-km (~2.5 miles) hike through the woods, by pretty ponds and passed some gorgeous overlooks of the surrounding area, ends at a view of the looming mountain. There is a sign that tells you, quite bluntly, that the hike will get much harder. And it reminds you that it is not too late to go back.

Already determined to finish, I stared up at the mountain before us. The rock face was split in half by a large stone gully. When we looked closely, there were some idiots walking up there.

“Why the hell would anyone go that way,” I asked Buddy as he gave me a look of concern. That was the way up. Those ‘idiots' were actually hiking Gros Morne Mountain, the same thing we were about to do.

Idiots Among the Rocks
It didn't take long for us to join the other hikers in the rock gully, as people behind us probably questioned the sanity of the little dots they saw from the overlook. We were determined, not crazy, right?

I read that there were large boulders marking the trail, but it was almost impossible to make that out once we were among them. So, we just scrambled up the safest-looking route.

Although the stunning views behind us were tempting, looking behind us made us dizzy. And we tried not to stop too often anyway, because there weren't many places that felt stable enough to relax. When we did take a water or snack break, the spiders crawling around on the wobbly stones ushered us along.

At some points, the trail seemed extra treacherous – with thin rocks slipping out from under our feet and tumbling down far below us. And there were other times when the trail flattened out a bit and we thought we were almost finished, only to have more rocks to climb over.
Our trekking poles helped, but sometimes we had to just crawl over the rocks on all fours. Did I mention neither of us are fans of heights?

Even though we trekked along diligently, that didn't mean we were fast. About a half-dozen people passed us as we made our way slowly but surely to the top of the Gros Morne Mountain. However, many did seem to be in much better shape than us, probably locals that did this for fun. Buddy swears one guy had calves the size of his torso, and another told us he was hitch-hiking around the world. No big deal.

Top of the World – or at least Newfoundland!
Once we finally made it to the peak of Gros Morne Mountain, I was ecstatic. We had dragged ourselves up 806 m (2,644 ft)! It is actually the second-highest point on the island and we had no interest in doing anything more challenging for a while, so we were psyched with this achievement.
Another couple offered to take our photo next to the sign, and my smile would make you think I just won the lotto. I felt so proud for pushing myself more than I had ever before.

The top was just rocks. Although it felt great to be at the summit of the second-largest mountain in Newfoundland, there wasn't much to see unless you ventured to the edges. After a short visit with the other hikers, we started on our long journey down – with more of those great views!

Initially, our trail was rock, but eventually, it turned into a wooden boardwalk trail with stairs and I was beaming. The hike down Gros Morne Mountain would be so much easier!

We even saw a moose as we wandered down the trail. And the views of the nearby mountains and fjords were gorgeous.

Shortly after our moose encounter, we passed a gorgeous lake and stopped to admire it for a while. What a peaceful trail this was turning into.

But then, as we turned the corner, I saw another rock field in the distance. My heart sank. More rocks?
Everything Hurts & I Want to Cry
There was about 5 km (~3.1 miles) left of rocky, toe-busting descents before we made it back to the first portion of the trail. We were exhausted. I wanted it to be over more than anything.

Eventually, the rocks broke down my mental guard against negativity and the complaints started rolling in again. I was pretty sure my toes were bleeding (they weren't) and my right knee was about to burst.
At one point, I even told Buddy “I never want to do a hike like this again!” I'm sure we'll laugh about that next time we are hiking a mountain.

About three hours of steep descents and a lot of whining later, we made it to the RV. I was basically limping due to my poor decision to wear cotton socks and the damage they were doing to my feet. Even Buddy looked like death – and he usually can push through anything.
We were hot, exhausted and couldn't wait to get to our campsite for the night. Hiking Gros Morne Mountain had gotten the better of us.

But, Was Hiking Gros Morne Mountain Worth It?
I was sure I wouldn't be able to move the next day. Although it took both of us a while to get going, all of our appendages seemed to move fine – albeit with a touch of soreness.
We eventually went out for lunch. And we even had the energy for a short hike to a viewpoint overlooking the lovely town of Trout River, where we were staying. Clearly, my mind had just over-exaggerated the pain the day prior.

But in all honesty, we probably weren't ready to hike Gros Morne. We've been hiking a lot, but nothing even close to that length or difficulty. However, it was hard to pass up such an epic hike in one of the most beautiful places we had been in a while.
Who knows when or if we will be back? We didn't conquer it easily, but we survived. And you don't know your strength until you test it, right?

Despite the struggles that came with hiking Gros Morne Mountain, I'm glad we did it. I mean, did you see the pictures? It is certainly an experience we will never forget and a lesson in humility. Nature can both build us up and destroy us, and sometimes it happens simultaneously.
Know Before You Go Hiking Gros Morne Mountain
- Location: The parking lot is 7 km (~4.3 miles) east of Rocky Harbour. There was even room for our rig – just get there early if you need extra room.
- Length: 16 km (almost 10 miles). It took us eight hours, but we were going pretty slowly and taking plenty of breaks. The trail to the overlook is 4 km (~2.5 miles) each way.
- Difficulty: Hard! We hike often and had a really difficult time in portions. But if you are determined and know how to pace yourself, a healthy individual should be able to make it. However, it isn't suggested for kids. You could always go to the turn-back point and see how you feel. The views from there are great as well!
- Nearby Camping: Ferry Gulch (on the back portion of the trail) has camping sites. A permit is needed. For non-permitted camping, Berry Hill is a short drive and we really enjoyed it.

More Helpful Tips
- Check the weather: If you can't see the top don't go. Not only will it hinder the great views, it will make the climb very difficult. Also, hiking this mountain in rain would be miserable! The hike is not accessible until the last Friday in June.
- Read the Rules: No dogs allowed. No fires, shelters or rock cairns.
- Where the right shoes and socks! Cotton almost killed our feet. Another hour and I'm sure I would have had giant blisters. Luckily, we did think to wear boots to protect our ankles.
- Bring poles: Whether you like to have a walking stick or trekking poles, having something to keep you balanced can definitely help.
- Water and snacks: At least 1 liter is recommended per person. We suggest a lunch and some snacks as well to keep your energy up.
- Sunscreen and bug spray: You are fully exposed to the sun for most of the trail. And there will likely be bugs in the initial wooded part.
- Bring a jacket: It may be cold at the top, depending on the weather. But make sure to wear layers! It may also be really hot!!!
FAQ About Hiking Gros Morne Mountain in Newfoundland
How hard is it to hike Gros Morne?
It's very challenging to hike Gros Morne Mountain, especially if you aren't in great hiking shape. If you've read my entire story, you'll know that there may be some curse words and tears, but it is very beautiful and worth it in my opinion.
What is the best time of year to hike Gros Morne?
Summer is best for hiking Gros Morne since it is already a challenging hike and you don't want to make it any worse or more dangerous by hiking in inclement weather. We went up on a clear day in July and had a great weather day.
Can you hike Gros Morne without a guide?
Yes! We did hike Gros Morne without a guide and made it up and back fine. There are some confusing areas though, so a guide could be helpful if you are concerned or think you may need assistance.
How long does it take to hike Gros Morne?
This 17-km round trip hike can be done in a day, but it will take a solid 6-9 hours or more if you need time to rest.
We would like to thank Parks Canada and Go Western Newfoundland for their support and suggestions for this part of our trip. However, all opinions are our own.
For more stories and tips, check out our other Newfoundland blog posts. And for a list of where we stayed overnight during our trip, take a look at our RV Camping Reviews page.